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Paul Patton

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姓名:Paul Patton




电话::+86 13125172770


简 介                                                                


Paul Patton

Hongyi Chair Professor of Philosophy

School of Philosophy

Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072 China

t: +86 13125172770

e: prp@unsw.edu.au

w: https://www.whu.edu.cn/phi/PEOPL/Faculty.htm


Executive Summary


Paul Patton is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and has served on the Council of the Australasian Association of Philosophy and the Executive Committee of the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy. He was a member of the Australian Research Council College (Humanities and Creative Arts) from 2013-2015 and served on the Australian Laureate Fellowships Selection Advisory Committee in 2017 and 2018. At the University of New South Wales he served on University level committees and in leadership positions in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the School of Philosophy. At Wuhan University he is the founder and editor of the Journal of Social and Political Philosophy. He has extensive teaching experience in Australia, Europe and Asia and has successfully supervised more than 20 PhDs and 3 Masters dissertations. His work is translated into several languages and widely cited: his Current Google scholar h-index is 35 and i10 index 84.




  • University of Paris VIII, Doctorat d’Université 1979

    Dissertation: Epistemology and Marxism: Popper and Althusser

    Examining jury: Jean-Toussaint Desanti, Paris 1 – Sorbonne; Jean-Marie Vincent, Paris 8 – Vincennes; François Châtelet (Supervisor), Paris 8 – Vincennes

  • University of Sydney, M.A. Hons 1975

  • University of Sydney, B.A. Hons 1973




  • Hongyi Chair Professor of Philosophy, Wuhan University, 2019 -

  • Professor of Philosophy, Flinders University, 2020-2021.

  • Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales, 2013 -  2018

  • Research Professor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 2011 - 2012

  • Professor of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 2002 - 2010

  • Associate Professor in Philosophy, University of Sydney, 1997 - 2001

  • Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Sydney, 1994 - 1996

  • Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Sydney, 1992 - 1993

  • Fixed Term Lecturer in Philosophy, Australian National University, 1990 - 1991

  • Fixed Term Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Sydney. 1988 - 1989

  • Fixed Term Lecturer in Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 1984 - 1987

  • Fixed Term Lecturer in Philosophy, Macquarie University, 1980 - 1982

  • Tutor, Department of General Philosophy, University of Sydney, 1979


Honours, Grants & Awards


  • Mellon Distinguished Visiting Collaborator, The Central New York Humanities Corridor, Cornell University and Syracuse University, 2017

  • Faculty Visiting Fellow, Humanities and Social Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, 2013.

  • Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities 2011 - present

  • Honorary Fellow, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London, 2011

  • University of New South Wales Vice-Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision, 2011

  • Dean’s Award for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision, 2010

  • Visiting Fellow, Scots Philosophical Society, University of Dundee, Dundee, 2005

  • Visiting Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 1997

  • Visiting Fellow, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 1994

  • 1976-8 French Government Postgraduate Scholarship, 1976 - 1978

  • Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award, 1973 - 1976

  • Commonwealth University Scholarship, 1969 - 1972


Competitive Research Grant Funding

  • Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant, Constructivism and Conceptual Mobility in Political Philosophy, 2007 - 2009. Chief Investigator. ($114,882)

  • Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grant, A naturalistic approach to rights, norms and practices of freedom. Chief Investigators M. Gatens, D. Ivison, P. Patton, 2002 - 2004. ($163,000)

  • UNSW University Research Support Program Grant, Deleuze and Derrida on rethinking the political, 2002. ($2,700)

  • Canadian Studies Award Faculty Research Program, 2001. ($C4,500)

  • University of Sydney Sesqui R&D Scheme, Cultural and Constitutional Aspects of Indigenous Rights, 2001. ($9,000)

  • University of Sydney Faculty of Arts Research Infrastructure Block Grant funds as part of a team project, Comparative Human Rights, within the School of Philosophy, Gender, History and Ancient World Studies, 2000. ($30, 000)

  • University of Sydney ARC Institutional Grants Scheme, Political formations and technologisation: re-thinking the technicity of the political, 1999. Chief Investigator Adrian Mackenzie; Associate Investigator Paul Patton. ($11,000)

  • Australian Research Council Large Research Grant, Indigenous rights and the philosophy of difference, 1997 - 1999. ($79,417)

  • University of Sydney ARC Institutional Grants Scheme: The philosophy of difference, 1994-1995. ($9,000).

  • University of Sydney Research Grants Scheme: The philosophy of difference, 1992. ($6,000)

Research Experience and Fields of Special Interest


  • Continental Philosophy, Twentieth Century French Philosophy

  • Social and Political Philosophy, European and Anglo-American Political Philosophy

  • The Rights of Indigenous Peoples

  • History of European Philosophy, especially Kant, Marx and Nietzsche

  • History of Modern Political Thought

  • Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art and Literature


Books – Sole authored


2010 Deleuzian Concepts: Philosophy, Colonization, Politics, Stanford: Stanford University Press, xviii, 238. *Mandarin translation published by Henan University Press, 2018.

2000 Deleuze and the Political, London/New York: Routledge, viii, 166.

*Korean translation published by Taehaksa, Seoul, 2005.

*Persian translation by Mahmoud Rafeh, published by Gaam-e-no, Tehran, 2004; reprinted 2007.

*Spanish translation by Margarita Costa, Buenos Aires: Promoteo, 2012; reprinted Promoteo Libros 2013.

*Mandarin translation published by Henan University Press, 2018.


Book Translations


1995 The gulf war did not take place, translation of La guerre du golfe n'aura pas lieu, by Jean Baudrillard (Paris: Galilée, 1992), Sydney: Power Institute Publications/ Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 22-87. Reprinted 2000, 2004, 2009, 2012.

1994 Difference and Repetition, translation of Différence et répétition by Gilles Deleuze, London: Athlone Press/ New York: Columbia University Press, xxii, 343. Reprinted 1997, 2001. Continuum Paperback Edition 2004; Reprinted 2007, 2008, 2009; Reprinted with corrections 2011. Bloomsbury Revelations, Second Revised Edition 2014.

Books Edited

2015 Sean Bowden, Simone Bignall and Paul Patton eds Deleuze and Pragmatism, London and New York: Routledge.

2014 Jihai Gao, Paul Patton and Yin Jing eds Deleuze in China: Proceedings of the 2012 Kaifeng International Deleuze Conference, Kaifeng: Henan University Press, 469.

2010 Simone Bignall and Paul Patton eds Deleuze and the Postcolonial, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, vi, 310.

2005 Sang-Koo Kim and Paul Patton eds Poetics of In-Between Space, Pusan: Pusan National University Press, xi, 470.

2003 Paul Patton and John Protevi eds Between Deleuze and Derrida, London and New York: Continuum, pp. ix, 207.

2001 Paul Patton and Terry Smith eds Jacques Derrida: Deconstruction Engaged – The Sydney Seminars, Sydney: Power Publications, 120.

*Japanese translation published by Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 2005.

2000 Duncan Ivison, Paul Patton, Will Sanders eds Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xi, 323.

1997 Paul Patton and Diane Austin-Broos eds Transformations in Australian Society, Sydney: Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney, v, 179.

1996 Paul Patton ed Deleuze: A Critical Reader. Oxford and Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, x, 316.

  1. Paul Patton ed Nietzsche, Feminism and Political Theory, London and New York: Routledge/Sydney: Allen & Unwin, viii, 243.

    1979 Meaghan Morris and Paul Patton eds Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy, Sydney: Feral Publications, 184.


    Journal Articles


2023 Women, power and truth’, Symposium on Vanessa Lemm, Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics (2020), Philosophy Today, 67:2.

2023 ‘The Stories We Tell: Individual and Society in The Childhood of Jesus,’ Journal of Modern Literature, 46: 2.

2022 Deconstruction and Nothingness: Deliberation, Daoism, and Derrida on Decision,’ Kritike: An Online journal of Philosophy, 16: 1, 1-21 (Featured Article).

2021 ‘Recent Work on Nietzsche’s Social and Political Philosophy,’ Nietzsche-Studien, 50: 1, 382-395.

2019 ‘Philosophical Foundations for Indigenous Economic and Political Rights,’ International Journal of Social Economics, 46: 11, 1264-1276.

2018 ‘The Reception and Evolution of Foucault’s Political Philosophy,’ Kritike: An Online journal of Philosophy, 12: 2, 1-21.

2018 ‘Deleuze|Guattari and the project of emancipation: Becoming-revolutionary and becoming-democratic,’ Suri (Journal of the Philosophical Association of the Philippines), 7:2, 1-16.

2018 ‘Kazuo Ishiguro’s The Remains of the Day and Nietzsche’s problem of the actor,’ Foreign Language and Literature Research (Central China Normal University), 5, 8-23.

2017 ‘Deconstruction and the problem of sovereignty,’ Derrida Today, Volume 10, Issue 1, 1-20.

2016 ‘Foucault on Power and Government,’ Sociological Problems (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences), 3-4, Special Issue edited by Antoinette Koleva, Kolyo Koev, Michel Foucault: New Problematizations, 57-76. English text available at https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=760

2016 ‘Deleuze and Naturalism,’ International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 24:3, 348-364. *Republished in Rafael Winkler ed. Phenomenology and Naturalism, London and New York: Routledge, 2017, 64-80. *Translated as 德勒与自然主 in Contemporary Marxism Review (Journal of the Center for Contemporary Marxism Abroad, Fudan University), (当代国外克思主评论), 15:2, 2017, 308-329.

2016 ‘Government, Rights and Legitimacy: Foucault and Liberal Political Normativity,’ European Journal of Political Theory, 15:2, 223-239. * Translated as 治理 利与合法性:福柯与自由主义的政治 in Social Sciences Abroad (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), 2017: 4, 105-113.

2015 ‘Political Legitimacy,’ Symposium on Philip Pettit, On The People’s Terms: A Republican Theory and Model of Democracy, in Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Volume 18, Issue 6, 661-668.

2014 ‘Sovereignty Conditioned and Unconditioned,’ SubStance, Issue 134, 43:2, 162-173.

2014 ‘Cavell and Rawls on the Conversation of Justice: Moral versus Political Perfectionism,’ Conversations: The Journal of Cavellian Studies, 2, 54-74.

2014 ‘Foucault and the strategic model of power,’ Critical Horizons, 15 (1), 14-27.

2014 Antjie Krog and Paul Patton, ‘As I was Saying in Berlin …,’ Life Writing, 11(2), 1-12.

2013 Foucault’s “critique” of neo-liberalism: Rawls and the genealogy of public reason,’ New Formations, Nos. 80-81, 39-51. *Republished in Jeremy Gilbert ed Neoliberal Culture, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 2016, 55-72.

2013 ‘Deleuze and Foucault,’ Journal of Henan University (Social Science), Issue 2, 1-6.

2011 ‘What is Deleuzean Political Philosophy?’ Crítica Contemporánea. Revista de Teoría Politica, No. 1, 115-126.

2011 ‘Life, Legitimation and Government,’ Constellations, 18:1, 35-45.

2010 ‘Activism, philosophy and actuality in Deleuze and Foucault,’ Deleuze Studies, Volume 4: 2010 Supplement, Deleuze and Political Activism, 84-103.

2009 Rawls and the Legitimacy of Australian Government,’ Australian Indigenous Law Review, 13:2, 59-69.

2009 ‘Deleuze, Rawls et la philosophie politique utopique,’ Cités, (Paris: Presse Universitaires de France), 40, 71-82.

2007 ‘Derrida, Politics and Democracy to Come,’ Philosophy Compass, 2:6, November, 766-780.

2007 ‘Deleuze and Derrida on the Concept and Future of Democracy,’ Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, No. 15, October, 7-23.

2007 ‘Utopian Political Philosophy: Deleuze and Rawls,’ Deleuze Studies, 1:1, 41-59.

2006 ‘L’identité des imaginaires sociaux et la nature des droits,’ Philosophiques, 33:2, 499-506.

2006 ‘Deleuze’s Practical Philosophy,’ Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, Volume 10 Number 1, Spring, 285-303.

2005 ‘Deleuze and Democracy,’ Contemporary Political Theory, 4:4, December, 400-413.

2005 ‘Foucault, Critique and Rights,’ Critical Horizons, 6:1, December, 267-287. *Republished in R. Sinnerbrink, J-P. Deranty, N.H. Smith and P. Schmiedgen eds Critique Today, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2006, 267-287.

2005 ‘Historic Injustice and the Possibility of Supersession,’ Journal of Intercultural Studies, 26:3, August, 255-266.

2004 ‘Becoming-Animal and Pure Life in Coetzee’s Disgrace,’ ARIEL: a review of international english literature,  Special Issue: Law, Literature, Postcoloniality, 35:1-2 Spring, 101-119.

2004 ‘Power and Right in Nietzsche and Foucault,’ International Studies in Philosophy XXXVI (3), 43-61. *Republished in Ben Golder and Peter Fitzpatrick eds Foucault and Law, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2010, 461-479.

2003 ‘Concept and Politics in Derrida and Deleuze,’ Critical Horizons, 4:2, October, 157-175.

2001 ‘Nietzsche and Hobbes,’ International Studies in Philosophy, XXXIII (3) Fall, 99-116.

2001 ‘Reconciliation, Aboriginal Rights and Constitutional Paradox in Australia,’ The Australian Feminist Law Journal, Volume 15, December, 25-40. *Republished in Judith Grbich and Peter Hutchings eds Writing Against Legal Racism: Law and Literature, Sydney: Lexis Nexis, 2001.

2000 ‘The translation of indigenous land into property: the mere analogy of English jurisprudence,’ Parallax Issue 14, Volume 6 Number 1, January – March, 25-38.

1997 ‘Social (Media) Events from a Deleuzian Point of View,’ Continuum - The Australian Journal of Media and Culture, 11: 2, 23-32.

1997 ‘Strange Proximity: Deleuze et Derrida dans les parages du concept,’ The Oxford Literary Review, Volume 18, 117-133.

1996 ‘Sovereignty, Law and Difference in Australia: after the Mabo Case,’ Alternatives, 21: 2, April-June, 149-170.

1996 ‘Concept and event,’ Man and World, 29:3, July, 315-326.

1995 ‘Mabo and Australia: Towards a Postmodern Republic,’ The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 6: 1&2, 83-94.

1995 ‘Mabo, Freedom and the Politics of Difference,’ Australian Journal of Political Science, 30:1, March, 108-119.

1994 ‘Metamorpho-logic: Bodies and Powers in A Thousand Plateaus,Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 25:2, May, 158-169.

1994 ‘Foucault’s Subject of Power,’ Political Theory Newsletter, 6:1, 60-71. *Republished in David Owen ed Michel Foucault, International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014, 145-156.

1992 ‘Le sujet de pouvoir chez Foucault,’ Sociologie et Sociétés (University of Montréal), Volume XXIV, Number 1, April, 91-101.

1991 ‘Postmodern Subjectivity: the Problem of the Actor,’ Social Analysis, 30, 32-41.

1989 ‘Taylor and Foucault on Power and Freedom,’ Political Studies, Volume XXXVII, Number 2, June, 260-276. (reply by Charles Taylor). *Republished in Barry Smart ed Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments, Volume V, London and New York: Routledge, 1995, 352-370. **Republished in David Owen ed Michel Foucault, International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2014, 121-137.

1984/5 ‘Michel Foucault: the ethics of an intellectual,’ Thesis Eleven, Number10/11, 71-80. *Republished in Barry Smart ed Michel Foucault: Critical Assessments, Volume III, London and New York: Routledge, 1994, 162-170.

1984 ‘Conceptual Politics and the War-Machine in Mille Plateaux,Substance, 44/45, 61-80. *Republished in G. Genosko ed Deleuze and Guattari: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Volume III, London and New York: Routledge, 2001, 1277-1298.

1979 ‘Althusser’s Epistemology: The Limits of the Theory of Theoretical Practice,’ Radical Philosophy, 19, 8-18.


Reviews and Other Contributions to Scholarly Refereed Journals


2021 (with Jiang Ying) ‘Post-structuralism and Ethnic Literature Studies: An Interview with Prof. Paul Patton,’ Foreign Language and Literature Research (Central China Normal University), 7: 4, Issue 40, 1-13.

2020 ‘Rorty’s “Continental” Interlocutors,’ contribution to Book  Roundtable: Chin, C. 2018. The Practice of Political Theory: Rorty and Continental Thought. New York: Columbia University Press, Theoria, Issue 162, Vol. 67, No. 1 (March 2020): 88-116 (99-104).

2020 ‘Translating Difference and Repetition,’ Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 14:1, 28–30.

2019 ‘Liberalism and its Future’: Review of Duncan Bell, Reordering the World: Essays on Liberalism and Empire, Princeton University Press 2016 in The European Legacy, 24:2, 220-224

2018 ‘Foucauldian Spaces: Round Table Discussion with Lynne Huffer, Steven Ogden, Paul Patton, and Jana Sawicki,’ Foucault Studies, 24, 77-101.

‘Introduction’ (with George Varghese) to Paul Patton and George Varghese K. eds Deleuze in India: Deleuze and Guattari Studies, 12:1, 1-2.

2016 Review of Warren Montag, Althusser and His Contemporaries: Philosophy’s Perpetual War (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2013), in Political Theory, 44: 3, 427-431.

2013 ‘Alexandre Lefebvre interviews Paul Patton,’ Contemporary Political Theory, 12 (3), 206-214.

Craig Lundy and Paul Patton eds ‘Symposium – Deleuze in China,’ Theory & Event, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2013. (http://muse.jhu.edu/issue/28178) (accessed 10.01.18)

Paul Patton ed Deleuze in China: Papers from the 2012 Kaifeng International Deleuze Conference. Deleuze Studies 7.3, August 2013; ‘Introduction,’ 301-301.

Review of Gary Gutting, Thinking the Impossible: French Philosophy Since 1960 (Oxford University Press, 2011) in Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Volume 91, Number 1, 196-199.

2012 Michel Foucault, Colin Gordon and Paul Patton, ‘Considerations on Marxism, Phenomenology and Power. Interview with Michel Foucault; Recorded on 3rd April 1978,’ Foucault Studies, No.14, September 2012, 98-114. *French version published as ‘Considérations sur le marxisme, la phénoménologie et le pouvoir,’ Cités, 52, 2012, 103-126.

2011 ‘Bio-power and non-sovereign rights,’ Paul Patton interviewed by Yubraj Aryal, Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry, Spring 2011, Volume 6, Number 15, 65-71.

2010 ‘New normative grounds for territorial claims,’ review of Avery Kolers, Land, Conflict and Justice (Cambridge University Press, 2009) in International Studies Review, 12.4, 2010, 684-686.

2008 Review of Jacques Derrida, Psyche: Inventions of the Other, Volume I, Peggy Kamuf and Elizabeth G. Rottenberg (eds.), Stanford University Press, 2007, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews at [http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=13124]  (accessed 10.01.18)

2007 Contributions to ‘What Nietzsche Means to Philosophers Today,’ Kritika & Kontext, No. 35, Volume XII, 8-41. Available at http://kritika.sk/pdf/2_2007/2.pdf (accessed 10.01.18)

* republished at http://www.eurozine.com/articles/2008-02-15-nietzsche-en.html

2007 ‘Rendre fond, losing ground,’ Entretien avec Louise Burchill, Multitudes 29 [online]

http://www.multitudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/29-patton.pdf (accessed 10.01.18)

2006  Response to H. Reynolds ‘Reviving Indigenous Sovereignty?’ Macquarie Law Journal, 6, 20-21.

2004  Review of Nicholas Thoburn, Deleuze, Marx and Politics (Routledge, 2003) in Perspectives on Politics, 2: 1, 129-130.

2003 ‘Becoming-Revolutionary,’ The Semiotic Review of Books, Volume 13.3 Summer, 7-9.

2002  ‘The Politics of the Unconditional,’ review of Jacques Derrida, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (Routledge, 2001) Southern Review, 35: 3, 113-116.

2002  Review of Jacques Derrida, On Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness (Routledge, 2001) Australian Journal of Political Science, 37: 2, July, 383.

2001  Paul Patton, Penelope Deutscher and others, Discussion with Jacques Derrida, Theory and Event, 5.1. Available at: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/32615 (accessed 10.01.18)

1999  Review of Nicolas Peterson and Will Sanders eds Citizenship and Indigenous Australians: Changing Conceptions and Possibilities (Cambridge UP, 1988) in Oceania, 70: 2 December, 188-189.

1998  ‘Justice and Difference: Response to Crowder,’ Policy, Organisation and Society, 16, 153-161.

1998  Review of Boyce Richardson, People of Terra Nullius: betrayal and rebirth in aboriginal Canada (Vancouver: Douglas & Mcintyre, 1993) in Cultural Geographies (formerly Ecumene), 5:3, 360-361.

1997 Review Article: ‘The Final Frontier: Aboriginal Sovereignty’ on Henry Reynolds Aboriginal Sovereignty (Sydney: Allen & Unwin 1995) and James Tully, Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity (Cambridge University Press, 1995) The UTS Review, 3:1, May, 224-233.

1997 ‘The World Seen From Within: Deleuze and the Philosophy of Events,’ Theory and Event 1:1. Available at: http://muse.jhu.edu/article/32443 (accessed 10.01.18)

1996 ‘Gilles Deleuze 1925-1995,’ Radical Philosophy, 76, March/April, 2-3.

1996 with Adrian Mackenzie and David Sutton, ‘Phantoms of Individuality: Technology and our right to privacy,’ Polemic, 7:1, 20-25. *Reprinted in The City State Reader edited by Louise Boon-Kuo, Gavin Sullivan, Vicki Sentas, Sydney: UTS Community Law and Legal Research Centre, 2002, 50-8.

1995 Review of David Owen, Maturity and Modernity: Nietzsche, Weber, Foucault and the Ambivalence of Reason (Routledge, 1994) in Economy and Society, 24:4, November, 584-590.

1995 Review of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, What is Philosophy?, translated by Hugh Tomlinson and Graham Burchell (N.Y: Columbia University Press and London: Verso, 1994) in The Times Literary Supplement, June 23, 10-11.

1995 Paul Patton interview by Anthony Uhlmann, Active: Reactive, Number 3, 46-51.

1994 Review Article: ‘After Mabo,’ on M.A. Stephenson and S. Ratnapala eds, Mabo: A Judicial Revolution (St Lucia: UQ Press, 1993); Tim Rowse, After Mabo: Interpreting indigenous traditions (Melbourne: Melbourne UP, 1993) in Southern Review , 27:4, December, 511-519.

1994   Review of Stefan Collini ed Interpretation and overinterpretation, Umberto Eco et al. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992) in Literature and Aesthetics (Journal of the Sydney Society for Literature and Aesthetics), Volume 4, October, 128-130 .

1993 ‘Art and Philosophy’, in Rex Butler and Paul Patton eds ‘Dossier on Gilles Deleuze’, Agenda: Contemporary Art Magazine, Issue 33, September, 18-20.

1993 Review of Boris Frankel, From the Prophets Deserts Come: The Struggle to Reshape Australian Political Culture (Melbourne: Arena Publishing, 1992) in Australian Left Review Number 147, February 1993, 42-43.

1991 Review of David West, Authenticity and Empowerment (London: Harvester Wheatsheaf) 1990, Australian Journal of Political Science, 26:3, November, 613-614.

1991 Review of Roy Boyne, Foucault and Derrida: The other side of reason (London: Unwin Hyman, 1990) in The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 27:2, August, 276-279.

1991 Review of Kevin Hart, The trespass of the sign: Deconstruction, theology and philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989) in The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 69:3, September, 348-351.

1991 Review of Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: The Movement-Image and Cinema 2: The Time Image (London: The Athlone Press, 1986/1989) in Screen, 32: 2, 238-243.

1989 ‘The Philosopher’s Body,’ Praxis M (Australia and Regions Artists’ Exchange, Perth), Number 24, September, 27-30.

1987 Review of A. J. Baker, Australian Realism: The Systematic Philosophy of John Anderson (Cambridge University Press, 1986) in The Age Monthly Review, Volume 6, Number 10, March, 19-21.

1986 ‘Deleuze and Guattari: Ethics and Postmodernity,’ Leftwright, Sydney: Intervention Publications Number 20, 24-34. *Republished in G. Genosko ed Deleuze and Guattari: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Volume III, London and New York: Routledge, 2001, 1150-1163.

1986 ‘Godard/ Deleuze: Sauve Qui Peut (La Vie),’ Frogger, Number 20, 1-12. *Republished online at http://www.directors.0catch.com/s/Godard/La_vie_rev.htm (accessed 15.01.18)

1984 ‘Introduction to “The Regard for Truth”,’ Art & Text, Number 16, 20-23.

1983  ‘Marxism in crisis: no difference’ in J. Allen and P. Patton eds Beyond Marxism? Interventions After Marx, Sydney: Intervention Publications, 54-72.

1981 ‘Notes for a Glossary,’ Introduction to Rhizome by G. Deleuze and F. Guattari, Ideology and Consciousness, 8, 41-48.  *Republished in G. Genosko ed Deleuze and Guattari: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers, Volume III, London and New York: Routledge, 2001, 1089-1096.

1981 Review of A. Sheridan, Michel Foucault: The Will to Truth, London: Tavistock, 1980, in Media Interventions, Sydney: Intervention Publications, 105-112.


Chapters in Edited Books


2023 ‘Michel Foucault,’ in Manjeet Ramgotra and Simon Choat eds Rethinking Political Thinkers, Oxford University Press.

2022 ‘In what sense is the Corona phenomenon political?’ in Pegah Mossleh ed Corona Phenomenon. Philosophical and Political Questions, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 125-132.

2022 ‘Rawls and Liberal Naturalism’ in Mario De Caro and David Macarthur eds The Routledge Handbook of Liberal Naturalism, Abingdon, Oxon and New York, 349-357.

2021 ‘Rorty: Reading Continental Philosophy’ in David Rondel ed. The Cambridge Companion to Rorty, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 261-283.

2020 ‘Power’ Revised entry for Hugh LaFollette ed International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Second Edition, Volume VIII, NY.: Wiley Blackwell. First published online 15 June 2020.

2019 ‘Michel Foucault’ in Graham Jones and Jon Roffe eds Deleuze’s Philosophical Lineage II, Edinburgh University Press, 293-313.

2019 (with Jeremy Moss) ‘Concepts of Justice and Practical Injustices,’ in Peter Aggleton, Alex Broom and Jeremy Moss eds Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change, London and New York: Routledge,  9-24.

2019 ‘Power, ethics and animal rights’ in Jonna Bornemark, Petra Andersson, and Ulla Ekström von Essen eds Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions, London and NY: Routledge, 84-96.

2018 ‘Philosophy and Control’ in Frida Beckman ed Control Culture: Foucault and Deleuze after Discipline, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 193-210.

2018 ‘Foucault, Nietzsche and the History of Truth,’ in Alan Rosenberg and Joseph Westfall eds Foucault and Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter, London: Bloomsbury, 35-57.

2018 ‘1227 AD: Treatise on Nomadology – The War Machine’ in Henry Somers-Hall, Jeffrey A. Bell and James Williams eds A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 206-222.

2017 ‘Michel Foucault,’ in David Boucher and Paul Kelly eds Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present, Third Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 625-645.

2016 ‘Deleuze and Foucault: Political Activism, History and Actuality,’ in Nicolae Morar, Thomas Nail and Daniel W. Smith eds Between Deleuze and Foucault, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 160-173.

2016 ‘Philosophical Justifications for Indigenous Rights’ in Corinne Lennox and Damien Short eds Handbook of Indigenous Peoples’ Rights, London and New York: Routledge, 13-23.

2016 ‘Power and Biopower in Foucault,’ in Vernon W. Cisney and Nicolae Morar eds Biopower Foucault and Beyond, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 102-117.

2015 ‘Postmodernism: Philosophical Aspects’ in James D. Wright (editor-in- chief) International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, 2nd Ed., Vol 18. Oxford: Elsevier, 684-689.

2015 ‘“The Lessons of History”: The Ideal of Treaty in Settler Colonial Societies,’ in Saliha Belmessous ed Empire by Treaty: Negotiating European Expansion 1600-1900, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 243-269.

2015 Foucault, Michel (1926-1954)’ in Michael T Gibbons ed The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, John Wiley & Sons, 1325-1554. DOI: 10.1002/9781118474396.wbept0378

2014 ‘Redescriptive Philosophy: Deleuze and Rorty’ in Bowden, Bignall and Patton eds Deleuze and Pragmatism, New York and London: Routledge, 145-162.

2014 ‘Nietzsche on Power and Democracy circa 1876-1881’ in Manuel Knoll and Barry Stocker eds Nietzsche as Political Philosopher, Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 93-111.

2014 ‘Foucault and Rawls: Government and Public Reason’ in Vanessa Lemm and Miguel Vatter eds The Government of Life: Foucault, Biopolitics, and Neoliberalism, New York: Fordham University Press, 141-162.

2014 ‘History, Normativity and Rights,’ in Costas Douzinas and Conor Gearty eds The Meanings of Rights: The Philosophy and Social Theory of Human Rights, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 233-250.

2013 ‘Nietzsche, Genealogy and Justice,’ in Keith Ansell-Pearson ed Nietzsche and Political Thought, London: Bloomsbury, 7-22.

2013 ‘After Critique: Experimentalism, Creation, Construction …’ in Tony Bennett ed Challenging (the) Humanities, Melbourne: Australian Academy of the Humanities in association with Australian Scholarly Publishing, 150-165.

2013 From Resistance to Government: Foucault’s Lectures 1976-1979’ in C. Falzon, T. O’Leary, J. Sawicki eds A Companion to Foucault. Oxford: Blackwell, 172-188.

2013 ‘Political Liberalism and Indigenous Rights’ in Sandra Tomsons and Lorraine Mayer eds Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights: Critical Dialogues, Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada, 151-160.

2013 ‘Power’ in Hugh LaFollette ed International Encyclopedia of Ethics, NY.: Wiley-Blackwell 3972-3978.

2012 ‘Historical Normativity and the Basis of Rights’ in Ben Golder ed Re-Reading Foucault: On Law, Power, Rights, Routledge, 188-206.

2012 ‘Deleuze’s Political Philosophy’ in Daniel W. Smith and Henry Somers-Hall eds The Cambridge Companion to Deleuze, Cambridge University Press, 198-219.

2012 ‘Immanence, Transcendence and the Creation of Rights’ in Laurent de Sutter and Kyle McGee eds Deleuze and Law, Edinburgh University Press, 15-31.

2012 ‘McCarthy’s Fire,’ in Julian Murphet and Mark Steven eds Styles of Extinction: Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, London and N.Y.: Continuum Press, 131-143.

2012 ‘Rancière’s Utopian Politics’ in Alison Ross and Jean-Philippe Deranty eds Jacques Rancière and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality, Continuum Press, 129-144.

2012 ‘Deleuze, Foucault and History’ in Bernd Herzogenrath ed Time and History in Deleuze and Serres Continuum Press, 69-83.

2011 ‘Coetzee’s Opinions’ in Chris Danta, Sue Kossew and Julian Murphet eds Strong Opinions: J.M. Coetzee and the Authority of Contemporary Fiction, London: Continuum, 53-61.

2011 ‘Continental Philosophy in Australia’ in Graham Oppy and N. N. Trakakis eds The Antipodean Philosopher Volume 1: Public Lectures on Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand, Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman & Littlefield, 159-167.

2010 ‘Multiculturalism and Political Ontology’ in Duncan Ivison ed The Ashgate Research Companion to Multiculturalism, Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, 57-71.

2010 ‘Foucault and Normative Political Philosophy’ in Timothy O’Leary and Christopher Falzon eds Foucault and Philosophy, Wiley-Blackwell, 204-221.

2010 ‘Derridean Beginning and Deleuzian Becoming’ in Martin McQuillan and Ika Willis eds The Origins of Deconstruction, Houndmills, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 159-172.

2010 ‘Demokratisch-Werden: Gilles Deleuze und Félix Guattaris politische Philosophie’ in Ulrich Bröckling and Robert Feustel eds Das Politische denken: Zeitgenössische Positionen, Beilefeld: transcript Verlag, 199-228.

2009 ‘Sociétés de contrôle et devenir-démocratique’ in Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Gabriel Rockhill eds Technologies de contrôle dans la mondialisation: Enjeux politiques, éthiques et esthétiques, Paris: Éditions Kimé, 119-132.

2009 ‘History, the Event and the Untimely’ in Hanjo Berressem and Leyla Haferkamp eds. Deleuzian Events: Writing|History. Berlin: Lit Verlag, 170-187.

2009 ‘Foucault’ in David Boucher and Paul Kelly eds Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present, Second Edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 575-595.

2009 ‘Events, Becoming and History’ in Jeffrey A. Bell and Claire Colebrook eds Deleuze and History, Edinburgh University Press, 33-53.

2009 ‘Deleuze’s Practical Philosophy’ in Constantin V. Boundas ed Gilles Deleuze: The Intensive Reduction, London and N.Y: Continuum, 187-203.

2008 ‘Nietzsche on Rights, Power and the Feeling of Power’ in Herman W. Siemens and Vasti Roodt eds Nietzsche, Power, and Politics: Rethinking Nietzsche’s Legacy for Political Thought, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 471-490.

2008 ‘The Unimaginable and the Sublime’ in Dennis Del Favero, Ursula Frohne and Peter Weibel eds Un-Imaginable, Karlsruhe: Hatje Cantz, 36-48.

2008 ‘Becoming-democratic’ in Ian Buchanan and Nicholas Thoburn eds Deleuze and Politics, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 178-195.

2008 ‘The Unfinished Business of Justice for Indigenous Australians’ in Pierre Lagayette ed Rencontres australiennes: Regards croisés sur l’identité d’un peuple et d’une nation, Paris: Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, 19-37.

*Shorter version in Susan Petrilli ed White Matters: Il bianco in questione. ATHANOR: Semiotica, Filosofia, Arte, Letteratura, Serie annuale del Dipartimento di Pratiche Linguistiche e Analisi di Testi, l’Università degli Studi di Bari, Anno XVII, no. 10, 2006-2007, 313-325.

2007 ‘Derrida’s Engagement with Political Philosophy’ in Mark Bevir, Jill Hargis and Sara Rushing eds Histories of Postmodernism, New York and London: Routledge, 149-169.

2007 ‘Agamben and Foucault on Biopower and Biopolitics’ in Matthew Calarco and Steven DeCaroli eds Giorgio Agamben: Sovereignty and Life, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 203-218.

2006 ‘Deleuze et la démocratie’ in Manola Antonioli,Pierre-Antoine Chardel and Hervé Regnauld eds Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari et le politique, Paris: Éditions du Sandre, 35-50.

2006 ‘After the Linguistic Turn: Poststructuralist and Pragmatist Political Theory’ in John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phillips eds The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 125-141.

2006 ‘The Event of Colonisation’ in Ian Buchanan and Adrian Parr eds Deleuze and the Contemporary World, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 108-124.

2006 ‘Order, Exteriority and Flat Multiplicities in the Social’ in Martin Fuglsang and Bent Meier Sørensen eds Deleuze and the Social, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 21-38.

2006 ‘Mobile Concepts, Metaphor and The Problem of Referentiality in Deleuze and Guattari’ in Maria Margaroni and Effie Yiannopoulou eds Metaphoricity and the Politics of Mobility, Thamyris Intersecting Place, Sex and Race no. 12, Amsterdam and N.Y.: Rodopi, 27-45.

2005 ‘Deleuze and Democratic Politics’ in Lars Tønder and Lasse Thomassen eds Radical democracy: Politics between abundance and lack, Manchester and N.Y.: Manchester University Press, 50-67.

2005 ‘Deleuze and Coetzee on Life and Becoming’ in Sang-Koo Kim and Paul Patton eds Poetics of In-Between Space, Pusan: Pusan National University Press, 311-330.

2005 ‘National Autonomy and Indigenous Sovereignty’ in Ephraim Nimni ed National-Cultural Autonomy and Its Contemporary Critics, New York and London: Routledge, 112-123.

2004 ‘Politics’ in J. Reynolds and J. Roffe eds Understanding Derrida, London: Continuum, 26-36.

2004 ‘Colonisation and Historical Injustice - The Australian Experience’ in Lukas H. Meyer (Hrsg) Justice in Time: Responding to Historical Injustice, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 159-172.

2003 ‘Language, Power, and the Training of Horses’ in Cary Wolfe ed Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 83-99.

2003 ‘Foucault’ in David Boucher and Paul Kelly eds Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 516-535.

2003 with John Protevi, ‘Introduction’ to Patton and Protevi eds Between Deleuze and Derrida, London and New York: Continuum, 1-14.

2003 ‘Future Politics’ in Patton and Protevi eds Between Deleuze and Derrida, London and New York: Continuum, 15-29.

2002 ‘Réconciliation, droits aborigènes et paradoxe constitutionnel en Australie’ in Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff ed Altérité et Droit: Contributions à l’étude du rapport entre droit et culture, Bruxelles: Editions Bruylant, 343-363.

2002 ‘Indigenous Becoming in the post-colonial polity’ in James Swearingen and Joanne Cutting-Gray eds Extreme Beauty: Aesthetics, Politics, Death, London and New York: Continuum, 152-162.

2001 ‘Postmodernism’ in Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes eds International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, London: Elsevier Science, Volume 17, 11872-11877.

2001 ‘Deleuze and Guattari’ in Anthony Elliot and Bryan S. Turner eds Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory, London: Sage, 205-215.

2001 ‘Redescriptive Philosophy: Deleuze and Guattari’s Critical Pragmatism’ in Patricia Pisters ed. Micropolitics of Media Culture: Reading the Rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 29-42.

2000 With D. Ivison and W. Sanders, ‘Introduction’ to Ivison, Patton, Sanders eds Political Theory and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-21.

  1. ‘Nietzsche and the problem of the actor’ in Alan D. Schrift ed Why Nietzsche Still? Reflections on Drama, Culture, Politics, Berkeley: University of California Press, 170-183.

    1999 ‘Justifying Aboriginal Rights: A Philosophical Perspective’ in Terry Smith ed First Peoples/ Second Chance, Canberra: The Australian Academy of the Humanities, 63-80.

    1999 ‘Nietzsche and Metaphor’ in Penelope Deutscher and Kelly Oliver eds Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 97-108.

    1998 ‘Foucault’s Subject of Power’ in Jeremy Moss ed The Later Foucault: Politics and Philosophy, London: Sage, 64-77.

    1998 ‘Foucault’ in Simon Critchley and William R. Schroeder eds A Companion to Continental Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell, 537-548.

  2. ‘Justice and Difference: The Mabo Case’ in Paul Patton and Diane Austin-Broos eds Transformations in Australian Society, Sydney: Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney, 83-98.

    1997 ‘This Is Not A War’ in Nicholas Zurbrugg ed Jean Baudrillard, Art and Artefact, London: Sage, 121-135

    1997 ‘Deleuze and Political Thought’ in Andrew Vincent ed Political Theory: tradition and diversity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 237-253.

    1996 ‘Mabo, Difference and the Body of the Law’ in Pheng Cheah, David Fraser, Judith Grbich eds Thinking Through the Body of the Law, Sydney: Allen & Unwin/ New York: New York University Press, 43-59.

    1996 ‘Introduction’ to Paul Patton ed Deleuze: A Critical Reader. Oxford and Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 1-17.

    1996 ‘Reagan and the Problem of the Actor’ (Response to Brian Massumi, ‘The Bleed: Where Body Meets Image’) in John C. Welchman ed Rethinking Borders, London: Macmillan/ Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 41-50.

    1995 ‘Poststructuralism and the Mabo Debate: Difference, Society and Justice’ in Margaret Wilson and Anna Yeatman eds Justice & Identity: Antipodean Practices, Wellington: Bridget Williams Books/ Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 153-171.

    1995 ‘Imaginary Cities: Images of Postmodernity’ in Sophie Watson and Katherine Gibson eds Postmodern Cities and Spaces, Cambridge, Mass. and Oxford: Blackwell, 112-121.

    1995 Introduction to The gulf war did not take place, Sydney: Power Institute Publications / Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1-21.

    *Republished in M. Gane ed Jean Baudrillard, London: Sage, 2000.

    1994 ‘Anti-Platonism and Art’ in Constantin V. Boundas and Dorothea Olkowski eds Gilles Deleuze and the Theater of Philosophy, New York and London: Routledge, 141-156.

    1993 ‘Politics and the concept of power in Hobbes and Nietzsche’ in Paul Patton ed Nietzsche, Feminism and Political Theory, London and New York: Routledge, 144-161.

    1991 ‘Nietzsche and the body of the philosopher’ in R. Diprose and R. Ferrell eds Cartographies: Poststructuralism and the mapping of bodies and spaces, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 43-54.

    1988 ‘Marxism and Beyond: Strategies of Reterritorialization’ in Cary Nelson and Lawrence Grossberg eds Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 123-139.

    1988 ‘Giving up the ghost: postmodernism and anti-nihilism,’ It’s a Sin: Essays on Postmodernism, Politics and Culture, Lawrence Grossberg, Tony Fry, Ann Curthoys, Paul Patton, Sydney: Power Institute Publications, 88-95.

    1987 ‘Michel Foucault’ in Diane J. Austin-Broos ed Creating Culture, Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 226-242.

    1979 ‘Of Power and Prisons’ in Meaghan Morris and Paul Patton eds Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy, Sydney: Feral Publications, 109-147.


    Dictionary Entries and Other Contributions to Edited Books


2019 (with Jing Yin) ‘Gilles Deleuze,’ for Oxford Bibliographies, ‘Literary and Critical Theory,’ Oxford University Press Online. https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780190221911/obo-9780190221911-0079.xml?rskey=t3qDkr&result=4

2016 ‘Afterword’ to Matthew Chrulew and Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel eds Foucault and Animals, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 339-344.

2015 ‘Deleuzian Encounters with Pragmatism’ (with Sean Bowden and Simone Bignall), S. Bowden, S. Bignall and P. Patton eds Deleuze and Pragmatism, London and New York: Routledge, 1-17.

2014 Entries in Leonard Lawlor and John Nale eds The Cambridge Foucault Lexicon, Cambridge University Press: ‘Deleuze,’ ‘Difference,’ ‘Civil Society,’ ‘Technology.’

2014 ‘Preliminary Article 5’ in Rosi Braidotti and Gregg Lambert eds. Redrafting Perpetual Peace, Center for the Humanities, Utrecht University. Published online at http://redraftingperpetualpeace.org/ article-5/ (accessed 15.01.18)

2012 ‘Preface’ to Miriam Bankovsky and Alice Le Goff eds Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: Reopening the dialogue, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, vii-viii.

2010 ‘Introduction’ (with Simone Bignall), Simone Bignall and Paul Patton eds Deleuze and the Postcolonial, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1-19.

2010 Entries in M. Bevir ed Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 3 Vols: ‘Becoming,’ Vol. 1, 111-112; ‘Foucault,’ Vol. 2, 516-523. *CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title and American Library Association Outstanding Reference Source for 2011.

2009 Entries in Christian Niemeyer ed Nietzsche-Lexikon, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: ‘Deleuze, Gilles’ 67-68; ‘Hobbes, Thomas’ 157.

2007 ‘Preface’ to Anna Hickey-Moody and Peta Malins eds Deleuzian Encounters: Studies in Contemporary Social Issues, Houndmills, Basingstoke and N.Y.: Palgrave, 2007, ix-x.

2005 Entries in John Protevi ed The Edinburgh Dictionary of Continental Philosophy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press: ‘Power.’ 467-469; ‘Sovereignty.’ 548-551.

*Republished as A Dictionary of Continental Philosophy, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.

2005 Entries in Adrian Parr ed The Deleuze Dictionary, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. ‘Capture + Politics,’ 41-42; ‘Deterritorialization + Politics.’ 70-71; ‘Difference + Politics,’ 74-75; ‘Freedom,’ 113-115. *Second Edition (Revised) 2010.

*Also published as The Deleuze Dictionary, New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.

1996 Entries in Thomas Mautner ed A Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford: Blackwell.  ‘Gilles Deleuze.’ 96-97; ‘Difference, Metaphysics of, Politics of,’ 108-9; ‘Imaginary,’ 203-204; ‘Michèle Le Doeuff,’ 234. *Republished as Penguin Dictionary of Philosophy, London: Penguin Books, 1997. Entries on pp.127-128, 143, 268-269, 308-309. Revised edition 198.

1996 ‘Response’ to Samuel Weber, ‘The Future of the University: The Cutting Edge,’ in Terry Smith ed Ideas of the University, Sydney: Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney, 87-95.


Conference Papers

2014 ‘Deleuze and Foucault,’ in Jihai Gao, Paul Patton and Yin Jing eds Deleuze in China: Proceedings of the 2012 Kaifeng International Deleuze Conference, Kaifeng: Henan University Press, 326-340.

2003 ‘Life, Becoming-Animal and people to come,’ Papers from The 1st International Literature and Science Conference on The Future of Cyber, Virtual and Bio Literature, Pusan: The New Korean Association of English Language and Literature, 65-77.

1993 ‘Imaginary Cities: Images of Postmodernity,’ Postmodern Cities Conference Proceedings, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Sydney 14-16 April, 463-472.

1986 ‘Ethics and Post-Modernity,’ in E. Grosz et al eds Futur*Fall, Sydney: Power Institute Publications, 128-145.



2009 with Simon Duffy, ‘Spinoza and Sexuality’ by Alexandre Matheron, in Moira Gatens ed Feminist Interpretations of Benedict Spinoza, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 87-106.

2003 with Robert Rose, ‘Ontology and Logography: The Pharmacy, Plato and the Simulacrum’ by Eric Alliez, in Patton and Protevi eds Between Deleuze and Derrida, London and New York: Continuum, 84-97.

2001 ‘Police and Play’ by Jean Baudrillard, in G. Genosko ed The Uncollected Baudrillard, London, Sage, 61-69.

1999 ‘Foreword: Run Sarah!’ by Jean-Luc Nancy, in P. Deutscher and K. Oliver eds Enigmas: Essays on Sarah Kofman, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, viii -xvi.

1999 Extract from Dominique Schnapper, La relation à l’Autre: Au coeur de la pensée sociologique (Paris: Gallimard, 1998), in Theory & Event, 3:2, [http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/theory_&_event/v003/3.2schnapper.html].

1998 Jean-Clet Martin, ‘Events and Names’, in Discourse, 20 (3) Fall, 153-161.

1986 with P. Foss, ‘The Year 2000 Will Not Take Place’ by Jean Baudrillard, in E. Grosz et al eds Futur*Fall, Sydney: Power Institute Publications, 18-28.

1986 with P. Foss, The Evil Demon of Images, by Jean Baudrillard, Mari Kuttna Memorial Lecture, Sydney: Power Institute Publications, 13-31.

1985 with P. Foss, ‘The Phantasms of Perversion: Sade and Fourier,’ Art & Text, Number 18, Special Issue, Phantasm and Simulacra: The Drawings of Pierre Klossoski,’ 22-34.

1984 ‘“The Regard for Truth” Interview with Michel Foucault,’ Art & Text, Number 16, 24-31.

1984 with R. Gibson, ‘Game with Vestiges’ Interview with Jean Baudrillard, On The Beach, Number 5, Winter, 19-25. *Republished in Mike Gane ed Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews, London and New York: Routledge, 1993, 81-95.

1983 with P. Foss, ‘The Precession of Simulacra’ by Jean Baudrillard, in Simulations, New York: Semiotext(e) Inc., 1-79. *Republished in Brian Wallis ed Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation, New York: The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1984, 253-81. **Republished in Mark Poster ed Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988, 166-84.

***Republished in Joseph Natoli and Linda Hutcheon eds A Postmodern Reader, Albany: SUNY Press, 1993, 342-375.

1983 with P. Foss, In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities, by Jean Baudrillard, New York: Semiotext(e) Inc., 1-91.

1981 with P. Foss, Rhizome, by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Ideology and Consciousness, Number 8, 49-71. *Republished in Alan D. Schrift ed Twentieth Century French Philosophy: An Anthology, Oxford and Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell Publishers, 2004.

1979 ‘Powers and Strategies,’ Interview with Michel Foucault, in Morris and Patton eds Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy, 49-58.

with M. Morris, ‘Récit’ by François Châtelet, in Morris and Patton eds Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy, 13-27

with M. Morris, ‘“Truth and Power” Interview with Michel Foucault,’ in Morris and Patton eds Michel Foucault: Power, Truth, Strategy, 29-47.

Work currently in press


  • ‘Indigenous Rights and Human Rights,’ to appear in Vibe Ulfbeck, Yoshifumi Tanaka and Rachael Johnstone eds The Routledge Handbook of Polar Law.

  • ‘The limits of decolonization and the problem of legitimacy’ in David Boucher and Ayesha Omar eds Decolonisation: Evolution and Revolution, Johannesburg: Wits University Press forthcoming.

Keynote, Plenary and Invited Presentations (Selected)


2021 Plenary: ‘Deleuze and Institutions,’ Fifth Deleuze Studies in India Collective Annual Conference (Online), 11-14 November.

Plenary: ‘Ishiguro’s Klara and The Sun: the promise and threat of AI,’ Ethical Literary Criticism in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, The 10th Convention of the International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism, University of Science and Technology (Online), Beijing, 16-17 October.

Keynote: ‘Woman, Truth and Veil,’ 26th International Conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, University of Amsterdam and Nova University Lisbon (Online), 16-18 September.

‘Deconstruction and Nothingness: Derrida on Decision,’ Routledge International Conference on ‘Nothingness in Deliberation,’ Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai (Online), 10 July.

Keynote: ‘Deleuze, Hume and democracy: institutions versus constitutions,’ The 9th International Conference, Deleuze and Guattari Studies in Asia, Center for Cross-Cultural Studies (Online), Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 6 June.


2020 Keynote: ‘The COVID-19 pandemic in the light of Deleuzes philosophy of the event, The 8th Asian Deleuze and Guattari Research International Online Conference, Nanjing Normal University (Online), 15 November.

‘The Pandemic Event, ’ Inaugural lecture in the Online Lecture Series, ‘On the Threshold of a Global Change [?]: Pandemic and the Immanence of Life, ’ Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi (Online), 18 September.

‘Liberalism and Governmentality, ’ Continental Philosophy Seminar Series, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University, 13 August.


2019 Keynote: ‘Poststructuralist Approaches to Literature and the recent novels of J.M. Coetzee,’ The First CCNU Young Scholar Symposium of Foreign and Comparative Literature, Central China Normal University, 20 December.

‘Sources and Principles of Dialogue,’ Conference on Dialogue of Modern Civilization - Modern Civilization: Reflection and Reconstruction, Centre for the Research of Comparative Philosophy and Culture Strategy, Wuhan University, 7-8 December.

‘Philosophical Foundations of Indigenous Rights,’ 16th Global Justice Lecture, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai, 25 October.

‘On Legitimacy in Pettit’s Republicanism,’ Political Philosophy Workshop, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-Sen University, Zhuhai, 24 October.

‘Foucault, Nietzsche and the History of Truth,’ Birkbeck Nietzsche Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Birkbeck University of London, 26 April.

Roundtable on Clayton Chin’s The Practice of Political Theory (Clayton Chin, David Owen and Paul Patton), The Analytic-Continental Divide in Political Theory Workshop, Department of Politics and International Relations, Queen Mary University of London, 24-25 April.


2018 ‘The Limits of Decolonisation and the Problem of Legitimacy,’ After the Prelude to Decolonisation: Revolution and Evolution? Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study, University of Johannesburg, 9-11 July.

Keynote: ‘Deleuze and Guattari and the Project of Emancipation: Becoming-Revolutionary and Becoming-Democratic,’ Sixth Deleuze and Guattari Studies in Asia International Conference and Philosophical Association of the Philippines Conference, Ateneo de Naga University, Philippines, 5-7 July.

Luojia Lecture: ‘Continental Approaches to Political Philosophy: Post ’68 French criticism of the present and its relation to Analytic, Marxist and Pragmatic political thought,’ Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, Wuhan University, 08 May.

Keynote: ‘Literature, Philosophy and Politics in Derrida’s Specters of Marx,’ Third International Conference on Chinese Format of Marxist Literary Theory, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, 06 May.

Roundtable Plenary Session (with Geoffrey Bennington, Réda Bensmaïa, Peggy Kamuf, Elizabeth Weed and David Wills), 20th/ 21st Century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, Brown University, 12-14 April.

‘The Strange Reception of Foucault’s Political Philosophy,’ sponsored by The Cogut Institute for the Humanities and the Departments of French Studies, Comparative Literature, English, and Philosophy, Brown University, 3 April.


2017 ‘Foucault on the History and Politics of Truth,’ Simian Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 19 December.

‘Abundance and exhaustion: Twenty-first century images of nature,’ The 2017 Hangzhou International Exhibition and Seminar on Place, Space and Art, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, 16-17 December.

‘How to read Deleuze: Approaches to the nature of events,’ New Century Art Foundation, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 10 December.

‘Towards a Naturalistic Reading of Rawls,’ Liberal Naturalism Conference, Deakin University, 23-24 November.

‘Derrida, Nietzsche and Democracy to Come,’ 56th Meeting of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Memphis, 19-21 October.

‘Foucault on Modern Power and Government,’ Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, Ithaca, 16 October.

‘Cormack McCarthy’s The Road and the Problem of Posthumanity,’ The Posthuman Condition and the Future of Studies of Literary Theory, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 23-24 September.

‘The Deconstruction of Sovereignty and Free Agency,’ International Symposium on ‘Derrida and China: Towards the Construction of Global Humanities,’ Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xuhui Campus, 14-17 July.

Keynote: ‘Philosophy and Control,’ The Fifth International Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference: Desiring-Machines, National University of Singapore, 9-11 June.

‘Postcolonial Legitimacy: Pettit and Rawls,’ Who are ‘we the people’?: Constitutionalism, Recognition and Race, Roundtable, Melbourne Law School, 17 April.


2016 Keynote: ‘Ethics of Training and Riding,’ Equine Cultures in Transition Conference, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge, Södertörn University, Stockholm, 27 October.

Commentator on Philip Pettit, ‘The Control Theory of Legitimacy,’ Legitimacy and the State, Julius Stone Institute of Jurisprudence, The University of Sydney, 14-15 October.

‘Derrida’s Political Philosophy: From Unconditionality to Sovereignty,’ University of Santo Tomas, Manila, 6 September.

Keynote: ‘Deconstruction and the Analysis of Concepts,’ 45 Years of Jacques Derrida’s Signature Event Context, Colegio de San Lorenzo, Quezon City, Philippines, 8-9 September.

Keynote: ‘Deleuze and Foucault on Control,’ at Control: 10th Conference of the European Society for Literature, Science and the Arts, Stockholm University, 14-17 June.

Keynote: ‘Deconstruction and the Problem of Sovereignty,’ 5th Derrida Today conference at Goldsmiths, University of London, 8-11 June.

Invited Participant in the ‘Stakes of Recognition’ Symposium hosted by the Melbourne School of Social and Political Sciences and the Melbourne Law School, 31 March- 1 April.


2015 ‘The Future of Radical Hope,’ The Philosophy of Jonathan Lear Symposium, The University of Sydney, 11 December.

‘Political concepts, aesthetics and the method of dramatization,’ Politics and Art in Deleuze Symposium, Western Sydney University, 25-26 November.

‘Nietzsche, Democracy and Deliberation,’ Rethinking Conflict in Democratic Theory: Agonism, Deliberativism and their Historical Roots, Leiden University, 19-21 November.

‘Events and their names: colonization, the hermeneutical sublime and the absolute future,’ ‘Composition of Force, Composition of Interest’ Seminar Series, The American University of Paris, 13 November.

‘Philosophy and/in recent novels of J.M. Coetzee,’ College of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, 28 October.

‘The Normative Ideal of Treaty Relationship,’ Strange Multiplicity at 20: Indigenous Studies and Anti-Imperial Critique for the 21st Century, Yale University, 1 October. Also participated along with Seyla Benhabib and Audra Simpson in a panel discussion following James Tully’s opening keynote address, ‘A View of Transformative Reconciliation.’

Plenary: ‘Deleuze’s Philosophical Experiment,’ Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference 2015, Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University, 5 June. *This talk was also delivered as a keynote video to Deleuze & Guattari and Africa conference, University of Cape Town, Capetown 16 July.


2014 ‘Poststructuralism and Political Normativity: the Case of Deleuze,’ Colloquium on Philosophy, Language and the Political: Reevaluating Poststructuralism, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 10-12 December.

‘Derrida’s Political Philosophy: Unconditionality Against Sovereignty,’ Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 9 December.

‘Philosophy and/in the novels of J.M. Coetzee.’ Opening Plenary Panel on Philosophy at Traverses: J,M. Coetzee in the World, Adelaide, 11-13 November.

‘Nietzsche and “Democracy to Come,”’ Sydney Democracy Network, Festival of Democracy, University of Sydney, 24 September.

‘Political Legitimacy in On the People’s Terms: A Republican Theory and Model of Democracy,’ Workshop with Philip Pettit, University of New South Wales, 16 May.

Keynote: ‘Deleuze and Naturalism,’ Phenomenology and Naturalism, 2nd Annual Conference of the Centre for Phenomenology in South Africa, University of Johannesburg, 11-13 April.


2013 ‘Séance Exceptionnelle du séminaire Deleuze et Guattari: Rencontre avec Paul Patton,’ Centre International d’Études de la Philosophie Française Contemporaine- HARp 441 Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 16 novembre.

Deleuze et Foucault: philosophie et politique,’ Séance exceptionelle, Centre International d’Études de la Philosophie Française Contemporaine- HARp 441 Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 15 June. (Discussion continued in a further session at Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, 19 June 3-6pm).

Keynote: ‘Genealogy and Reconstruction: Foucault’s Relationship to Normative Political Philosophy,’ Continental and Analytical Political Theory: An Insurmountable Divide? Queen Mary, University of London, 28 May.

‘Power, Government and Strategy: Foucault’s Reconsideration of Power after 1976,’ Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, 14 May.

‘After Critique: Genealogy and Normativity in the work of Michel Foucault,’ Workshop on Ethics and Norms, Monash University Research Unit in European Philosophy, 6 May.

Invited Participant, 'Life In-Between-Outside Discipline and Control: Inaugural Meeting of The Society for the Study of Bio-Political Futures, Syracuse University Humanities Center, Syracuse University, April 5-6.

‘Rights as Historical,’ Graduate/ Faculty Seminar, John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University, April 3.

‘Foucault’s “Critique” of Neo-Liberalism and the Genealogy of Public Reason,’ Institute for the Arts and Humanities, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 2.

Respondent at Author-Meets-Critics: Paul Patton, Deleuzian Concepts: Philosophy, Colonization, Politics, Chair: Daniel W. Smith (Purdue University), Critics: Jeffrey A. Bell (Southeastern Louisiana University), Nicholas Tampio (Fordham University), American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, 87th Annual Meeting, March 27-31, San Francisco.

Critic, along with Noëlle McAfee (Emory University) and Brad Elliott Stone (Loyola Marymount University), at Author-Meets-Critics: Colin Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition and Genealogy As Critique, Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Session 2, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division, 87th Annual Meeting, March 27-31, San Francisco.


2012 Plenary Panel: ‘Paul Patton’ (with Mark Kelly, Jessica Whyte and Keith Ansell-Pearson), Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Conference, The University of Auckland, 10-12 December.

‘After Critique: Experimentation, Creation, Construction,’ Challenging (the) Humanites, 43rd Annual Symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, University of Western Sydney Parramatta Campus, 15-16 November.

‘Historical Normativity and Political Rights,’ Contemporary Critical Approaches to Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 17-18 August.

Antjie Krog, in conversation with Paul Patton – ‘As I was saying in Berlin…..’ Framing Lives, 8th Biennial International Auto/Biography Association (IABA) Conference, Canberra, 17-20 July.

‘Aboriginal Rights as Political and Historical,’ Canadian Political Science Association 84th Annual Conference, University of Alberta, 13-15 June. Also responded to a panel of three papers on ‘Postcolonialism and Political Theory.’

‘Deleuze and Foucault,’ 2012 Kaifeng International Deleuze Conference, Henan University, Kaifeng, Kaifeng, China, 18-22 May.

‘Government and Public Reason: Foucault and Rawls,’ Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, 10 May.

Encountering the Author: Paul Patton, Deleuzian Concepts, with Paul Muldoon (Monash), Simon Duffy (University of Sydney), Anthony Uhlmann (University of Western Sydney), Sabrina Achilles (University of Western Sydney), University of Western Sydney, Bankstown, 1 May.

‘Cavell and Rawls on the Conversation of Justice,’ Themes from Cavell Conference, Philosophy, University of Sydney 27-28 February.


2011 ‘Historical Normativity and the Basis of Rights,’ Being In-Human: The Critical Theory and Law of Human Rights, Birkbeck Institute of the Humanities, 17-19 November.

‘Government and Public Reason,’ Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, 16 November.

‘Immanence, Transcendence and the Creation of Rights,’ Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, 7 November.

‘Deleuze and Politics,’ Centre for Theoretical Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences/ Political Theory Seminar, University of Essex, November 3.

‘Political Liberalism and the Historicity of Rights,’ Political Theory Colloquium, Institute for Political Science, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 26 October.

‘Government and Public Reason: Foucault and Rawls,’ Political Theory Colloquium, Normative Orders Cluster of Excellence at Goethe Universität Frankfurt/Main, 25 October.

‘Deleuze and the Political,’ Deleuze and Literature Symposium, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, June 11-13.

‘Governmentality and Public Reason: The Critique of Neoliberalism Revisited’ at The Foucault Effect 1991-2011, Birkbeck College, University of London, June 3-4.

‘Government and Public Reason,’ Centre for Citizenship and Public Policy, University of Western Sydney, Bankstown, 18 March.


2010 ‘Foucault and Rawls: Towards a History of Public Reason,’ American Philosophical Association Eastern Division 107th Annual Meeting, Boston, 27–30 December.

‘Rancière’s Utopian Politics,’ Rancière and the Contemporary Scene: The Philosophy of Radical Equality, Research Unit In European Philosophy, Monash University, 24 November.

‘Foucault and Rawls: Towards a History of Public Reason,’ Philosophy Program, La Trobe University , 13 October.

‘Foucault on Government and Critique,’ The Normativity of Critique, School of Philosophy and History, University of Sydney 23 July.

‘McCarthy’s Fire,’ Workshop on Cormac McCarthy’s The Road, School of English, Media and Performing Arts, UNSW, 26 March.


2009 Keynote: ‘Deleuze, Rawls and Poststructuralist Political Liberalism,’ New Horizons in Political Philosophy, Annual Australian Postgraduate Conference, University of Sydney 26-27 November.

Keynote: ‘Activism and Philosophy in Deleuze and Foucault’ at the Deleuze and Activism Conference, The Centre for Critical and Cultural Theory, Cardiff University, 12-13 November.

‘Continental Philosophy in Australia,’ Sydney Writers’ Festival, 22 May.

‘La normativité politique chez Deleuze,’ Workshop on ‘Deleuze philosophie pratique,’ Centre International d’Études de la Philosophie Française Contemporaine, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 28 April.

‘Governmentality, Public Reason and Political Normativity,’ Workshop on Political Normativity: Conceptual and Normative Issues,’ European consortium for political research 37th Joint Sessions of Workshops, Lisbon, 14-19 April.

‘Coetzee’s Opinions,’ Coetzee in Australia, University of New South Wales, 23-24 January


2008 ‘Foucault and Political Normativity,’ Graduate Political Theory Seminar, University of California at Berkeley, 20 October.

‘How to Read Deleuze,’ Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, 16-18 October.

‘The Unimaginable and the Sublime,’ Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, 2 July.

Société de contrôle et devenir démocratique,’ Journée d'études internationale: Technologies de contrôle dans la mondialisation : enjeux politiques, éthiques et esthétiques, New York University in France, Paris, 12 June.

‘Deleuze’s Conception of Philosophy: Concepts and Events,’ Kolloquium des Instituts für Philosophie, Universität Potsdam, 10 June.

‘Poststructuralism and Political Normativity: The Case of Foucault,’ Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 20 May.

La colonisation, la legitimité and la reconnaissance,’ Théories de la reconnaissance et philosophie française: Vers la reconstitution d’un dialogue, Laboratoire Sophiapol, Université de Paris X-Nanterre, 7 May.

‘Deleuze on History, Events and Becoming,’ Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 16 April.

‘Deleuze, Politics and Political Normativity,’ Engaging with the Humanities Symposium, The Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University, 27 March.

Rawls and the legitimacy of colonial States: the Australian case,’ Department of Politics, University of Exeter, 9 January.

Political Normativity and Poststructuralism: The Case of Deleuze,’ Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick, 8 January.

Mobile Political Concepts: Poststructuralist and Constructivist Approaches,’ 2008 Political Thought Conference, St Catherine’s College, Oxford, 3 January.


2007 ‘Deleuze’s Philosophy,’ Seminar in the Institute of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Loránd Eötvös University, Budapest, 23 November.

‘Political Normativity and Poststructuralism: The Case of Gilles Deleuze,’ Institute for Philosophy, The Free University of Berlin, 15 November. Available at:

http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (Accessed 10.01.18)

Becoming-Democratic: Deleuze’s late political philosophy,’ Centre for Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Monash University, 25 July.

‘Reconciliation and Justice,’ School of Philosophy 2007 Wednesday Public Lecture Series, ‘Whatever Happened to Reconciliation?’ The Australian Catholic University, St Patrick’s Campus, Melbourne, 4 July.

‘Deleuze, Rawls and Becoming-Democratic,’ The Humanities Center, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 10 April.

‘Deleuze’s Problematic of Literality (For FZ),’ Gilles Deleuze: Texts and Images, 9th Annual Comparative Literature Conference, University of South Carolina, 5-7 April.

‘Philosophie et littéralité chez Deleuze,’ Conference on ‘Les physiques de la pensée selon François Zourabichvili,’ Centre International d’Études de la Philosophie Française Contemporaine, École Normale Supérieure and Collège International De Philosophie, Paris, 16 January.


2006 ‘Rawls and Legitimacy in the Aftermath of Colonisation,’ Popular Sovereignty and the Rule of Law in Divided Societies, Institute for International Law and the Humanities in association with the Department of Political Science, University of Melbourne, 11-12 December.

‘Becoming-animal,’ Rethinking the Animal, RMIT University, 14 October.

‘The Moment of Difference,’ History of Theory Seminar, Centre for the History of European Discourses, University of Queensland, 8 June.

Plenary: ‘Deleuze, Derrida and Democracy to Come’ at the 3rd International Conference on Political Theory organised by the Danish Network on Political Theory, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Roskilde, 1-2 March.

Plenary: ‘Deleuze and Rawls on Utopian Political Philosophy,’ Conference on Utopia, Copenhagen Business School, 27 February.

‘Nietzsche on rights, power and the feeling of power,’ Niezsche Research Group Seminar, Department of Philosophy, University of Leiden, 24 February.

‘Rights Externalism,’ Faculty Colloquium, Department of Philosophy, University of Leiden, 24 February.


2005 ‘Nietzsche on rights, power and the feeling of power,’ Gemes-Leiter Nietzsche Seminar, Senate House, University of London, 13 December.

Plenary: ‘The Unfinished Business of Justice for Indigenous Australians’ at Dealing with the Other: Australia’s Faces and Interfaces, Centre de Recherche ‘L’Ouest Américain et L’Asie-Pacifique Anglophone,’ Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 9-10 December.

Keynote: ‘Becoming-animal and pure life in Coetzee’s Disgrace,Thinking With Animals: Fables of Thought, School of English Symposium, University of New South Wales, 29 November.

Plenary: ‘Deleuze’s Practical Philosophy,’ at The Living Thought of Gilles Deleuze, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, November 3-5.

Plenary: ‘The Event of Colonisation,’ Deleuzian Events: Writing – History, University of Cologne, Cologne 30 June–2 July.

‘Derrida’s Political Philosophy’ at the Memorial Session for Jacques Derrida, The American Philosophical Association Central Division One Hundred Second Annual Meeting, Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, Il., 27-30 April.

‘Historical Injustice,’ Humanities Institute of Ireland, University College Dublin, 18 April.

‘Externalist Approaches to Rights,’ Department of Philosophy, Stirling University, 7 April.

‘On the natural history of rights and duties: rights and powers,’ The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, The University of Edinburgh, 1 April.

‘Liberal, Pragmatist and Postructuralist Political Philosophy,’ Department of Philosophy, University of Dundee, 30 March.

‘Is Australia Postcolonial? The Problem of Indigenous Rights,’ Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, King’s College, University of London, 16 March.

‘The Externalist Approach to Rights,’ Philosophy Department Seminar, Birkbeck College, University of London, 15 March.

‘Deleuze et la démocratie,’ Colloque International sur Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari et le politique, Université Paris VIII Vincennes/ Saint-Denis, 14-15 January.


2004 ‘Foucault, Critique and Rights,’ Panel on Foucault and Cosmopolitan Critique, Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Continental Philosophy, Macquarie University, 8-10 December.

‘Derrida and Australian Continental Philosophy,’ Tribute to Jacques Derrida, Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Continental Philosophy, Macquarie University, 8-10 December. Keynote: ‘Indigenous Difference: The Problem of Justifying Differential Rights,’ Dialogues Across Cultures, Conference organised by the Monash University Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies, Sheraton Towers Southgate, Melbourne 11-14 November.

Keynote: Dialogues Across Cultures, Conference organised by the Monash University Centre for Australian Indigenous Studies, Sheraton Towers Southgate, Melbourne 11-14 November.

‘Historic Injustice and the Possibility of Supersession,’ Workshop on Reconciliation and Democracy, School of Political and Social Inquiry, Monash University, 27-8 September.

‘Governmentality, Power and Right,’ Michel Foucault (1926-1984): Other questions, new paths, The London School of Economics, 16 September.

Discussant at ‘Australian Multiculturalism and Political Theory,’ Academy of Social Sciences in Australia Workshop, University of New South Wales, 8-9 July.

Symposium on ‘The Garden of Eating: Experiencing the thoughts of Gilles Deleuze in Cultural Practices,’ Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 29 May.

Plenary Round Table:  ‘The Body – Virtual or Material?’ at The International Association for Philosophy and Literature 28th Annual Conference, Syracuse University and Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, 19-25 May.

Plenary: ‘Deleuze and Democratic Politics,’ Experimenting with Intensities: Science, Philosophy, Politics, The Arts, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, 12-15 May.

2003 Plenary: ‘Deleuze and Coetzee on Life and Becoming,’ Australian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference, University of Queensland, St Lucia, 20-22 November.

‘Non-Territorial National Autonomy and the problem of Aboriginal Sovereignty,’ Conference on States, Regions and National Cultural Autonomy, United Nations University Centre for Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Bruges, 27-28 September.

‘Life, Becoming-Animal and people to come,’ invited paper at The 1st International Literature and Science Conference on The Future of Cyber, Virtual and Bio Literature, The New Korean Association of English Language and Literature, Pusan National University, Pusan, 29 May.

‘The Philosophy of Derrida and Deleuze,’ Humanities Research Institute, Pusan National University, Pusan, 28 May.

2002 ‘Power and right in Nietzsche and Foucault,‘ North American Nietzsche Society session at the Ninety Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association Eastern Division, Philadelphia Marriot Hotel, Philadelphia PA, December 29.

‘Language, Law and Colonisation’, invited seminar at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, December 3.

Keynote: Conference on Late Foucault: Biopolitics and Ethics, the Philosophy Program, School of Humanities, Australian National University, Canberra, August 2.

‘Revolutionary becoming and the future of revolution,’ Erasmus Summer Seminar on Social Ontology: Globalization … and Beyond, Faculty of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam, June 10-12.

‘Future Politics,’ The International Association for Philosophy and Literature 26th Annual Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, June 3-8.

‘Concept and Politics in Deleuze and Derrida,’ invited paper at Derrida/ Deleuze: Psychoanalysis, Territoriality, Politics, Critical Theory Institute, University of California, Irvine, April 12 & 13.


2001 Invited Speaker, 25th Annual Meeting of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Atlanta, GA, 1-5 May.

Invited Panelist at Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights: Critical Dialogues, Conference sponsored by the Canadian Philosophical Association, the SSHRC of Canada and the University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg June 22-25.

‘Constitutional Paradoxes: native title, treaties and the nation,’ AIATSIS Seminar Series March-June 2001 on Limits and Possibilities of a Treaty Process in Australia, March 28.


2000 Keynote: ‘What’s Left of Theory?’ Workshop for Postgraduate Students in the Humanities, Centre for Advanced Sudies in Humanities, Griffith University, 15 December.

Author Meets Critics Panel on Deleuze and the Political, Australian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference, UNSW 24 November.

Seminar on Deleuze and Political Theory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 4 September.

Invited Panelist: ‘The Politics of Becoming: Comments on William Connolly’s Why I Am Not A Secularist,’ 96th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington DC, 1 September.

‘Nietzsche and Political Thought,’ Conference on Nietzsche and the Twentieth Century, Ashworth Centre for Social Theory, University of Melbourne, 25 August.

‘Power and Political Community in Hobbes and Nietzsche,’ North American Nietzsche Society Session at the Seventy-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 5-8.


1999 ‘Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights: An Australian Perspective,’ Seminar co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the Department of Philosophy, University of Victoria, Victoria B.C., 1 October.

‘Nietzsche and the Problem of the Actor,’ Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism, University of Western Ontario, 27 September.

Plenary: ‘The Poststructuralist Approach to Power: Nietzsche, Deleuze and Foucault,’  Nietzsche and Post-Analytic Philosophy Conference, University of Southampton, 10-12 September.

Invited Speaker ‘Sovereignty and Justice for Indigenous Peoples,’ Morrell Conference on Sovereignty and Political Theory, University of York, 8-10 September.

‘French Postmodernism and Critical Pragmatism,’ The End of Postmodernism? Richard Rorty Colloquium, Department of English and Theatre Studies, Australian National University, 21-2 August.

Invited Speaker ‘Difference and Multiplicity,’ Rhizomatics, Genealogy, Deconstruction Conference held at Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, 20-23 May.


1998 ‘Justifying Aboriginal Rights: A Philosophical Perspective,’ The Australian Academy of the Humanities 29th Annual Symposium, University of Sydney, 11-12 November 1998. ‘Postructuralism and Critical Theory,’ After Critical Theories Colloquium, Ashworth Centre for Social Theory, University of Melbourne, 29 June.

Keynote: ‘The principle of terra nullius and the rights of indigenous peoples,’ Social Justice/ Social Judgement: Questions of Value and Contemporary Australian Society, University of Western Sydney Nepean, 25-26 April.

Invited participant in the Research Group at the University of California Humanities Research Institute, Multiculturalism(s) in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand: Legal and Pedagogical Implications, Irvine CA, 14-22 April.


1997 ‘The Status of Indigenous Peoples in Australia and NZ’, Colloque sur ‘Multiculturalisme, Constitutionnalisme et Citoyenneté,’ Centre Culturel Canadien, Paris, 9-11 October.

‘Indigenous-becoming in the post-colonial polity,’ Marginal Regions/ Textual Margins, 21st Annual Meeting of The International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Mobile, Alabama, 6-10 May.

‘Indigenous Sovereignty,’ Social Science Research Council Workshop on Sovereignty, Modernity and Security, Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, 18-20 April.

‘Power and Sovereignty,’ Political Theory Seminar, Research School of Social Sciences, , Australian National University, 19 February.


1996 Deleuze Symposium, Seventieth Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, 3-6 April, Seattle.


1995 Invited participant in Workshop on ‘Cultural difference, land rights and citizenship in relation to Indigenous People,’ Political Science Program, Research School of Social Sciences, University House, Australian National University, 8 December.

‘Deleuze and Political Thought,’ Seminar in the series Whither Political Theory?, Research School of Social Sciences, , Australian National University, Canberra, 15 November.

‘Society as Virtual Idea and as Event,’ Virtual Incorporations Textual Spaces, 19th Annual Meeting of The International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Villanova University, Pennsylvania, 10-13 May.

‘Concept and Metaphor,’ Enigmas: On the work of Sarah Kofman, The Centre for Research in Philosophy and Literature, University of Warwick, Coventry, 17-18 March.

Invited participant at The Difference Engine Workshop, Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick, 16 March.


1994 ‘Freedom, Power and Subjectivity,’ Ideas of Liberty, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, 15-17 June.

‘Post-Structuralism and Political Theory,’ Humanities Research Centre Work-in-Progress Seminar, Australian National University, 3 May.

‘This Is Not a War,’ Conference on The Art of Theory: Baudrillard in the 90's, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, 23-4 April.


1993 ‘Deleuze and Desire: Desire as Power,’ Forces of Desire, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University, 13-15 August.

‘Deleuze: Freedom and the Transcendental Idea of Society,’ Re-Thinking the Political, Inaugural Conference of the Institute for Critical and Cultural Studies, Monash University, 2-4 July.

‘Art and Philosophy in the work of Gilles Deleuze,’ Institute of Modern Art Public Lecture Series, Brisbane, 23 June.

‘Reagan and the Problem of the Actor,’ response to Brian Massumi, 9th Biennale of Sydney Symposium, Art Gallery of N.S.W., 13-14 March.

Invited participant at the Workshop on Governmentality, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, 18-19 February.


1992 Invited participant at the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia Workshop: Reading the Sexual Contract, Australian National University, 11-12 December.

‘Politics and the Theory of Power,’ Gilles Deleuze – Pluralism: Theory and Practice, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, 15-17 May.


Teaching at the University of New South Wales


PhD/ Masters Dissertations


2020 Mitchell Harper, PhD Gilles Deleuze and the Genesis of Real Experience

2019 Don Johnston, PhD What Can a Body Do? Deleuze, Health and the Elaboration of a Postcolonial Symptomatological Methodology (Joint supervision with Dr Chris Danta)

2016 Darryl Cronin, PhD Dialogue and Indigenous Policy in Australia.

2015 Wendyl Luna, MRes Foucault’s Reconceptualisation of Kantian Critique.

2014 Denise Thwaites, PhD In Between Art and Politics: Frame, Fold, Judgment. Co-Tutelle with University of Paris 8 – St Denis.

2014 Kudzai Matereke, PhD Rawls, Liberal Citizenship and the African Postcolonial Challenge

2012 Diaa Karaali, MA Islamic Tradition - A Liberal Alternative to Rawlsian Political Theory for Liberal Democracies

2011 Mike Hale, PhD Escaping Architecture: Deleuze and the reinvention of experimental practice

2010 Daniel McLoughlin, PhD Agamben's Exception: Sovereignty, Ontology and the Politics of Crisis

2010 Mark Nielsen, PhD How Ought We Live? The Ongoing Deconstruction of our Values

2010 Craig Lundy, PhD Deleuze, History and Becoming *FASS Best Doctoral Thesis Prize 2010.

2009 Sean Bowden, PhD The ontological priority of events in Gilles Deleuze’s The Logic of Sense

Co-Tutelle with University of Paris 8 – St Denis. *FASS Best Doctoral Thesis Prize 2009.

2008 Miriam Bankovsky, PhD Social Justice after Kant: Between Constructivism and Deconstruction (Rawls, Habermas, Levinas, Derrida). Co-Tutelle with University of Paris X- Nanterre.

2008 Paula J. Keating, PhD The Function of Ideas of Reason in Kant’s Political Philosophy

2006 Sandra L. Field, MRes, Political Liberalism and Political Change


Doctoral Dissertations at other institutions:


2011 Daniela Voss, PhD Deleuze and the Transcendental Conditions of Thought, Free University of Berlin.

2005 Alexandra Sauvage, PhD Idée de Réconciliation et Héritage Colonial en Australie (1991-2001), The University of Sydney, Co-Tutelle with Université de Paris IV.

2003 Michael Phillips, PhD The Politics and Theology of Aboriginal Reconciliation, The University of Sydney.

2003 Rick Dolphijn, PhD Foodscapes: Towards a Deleuzian Ethics of Consumption, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.

2002 Stephen Zepke, PhD Art as Abstract Machine: Ontology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari, The University of Sydney.

1999 David Sutton, PhD The Concepts of the Computerised Word, The University of Sydney.

1997 Peter Cook, PhD Derrida, Davidson and Deleuze on Metaphor and Concept Formation, The University of Sydney.

1994 Adrian Mackenzie, PhD Behind the Screen: Technology and Desire, The University of Sydney.


Currently supervising 1PhD student at Wuhan and 1 PhD student at UNSW.


Undergraduate and graduate teaching


  • Contemporary European Philosophy at 200 level: 3 lectures in 2011, 2 lectures in 2012.

  • Contemporary Political Philosophy at 200 level in 2003, 2004, 2006; at 300 level in 2010 and 2011.

  • Kant 2007.


Invited Teaching at Other Institutions


  • Art and Philosophy in the European tradition: Towards a genealogy of Aesthetics (15 Lectures), College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, 18 December 2020 – 4 June 2021.

  • Art and Philosophy: Key Texts in the European Tradition (10 Lectures), College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, 29 April-1 July 2020.

  • Contemporary Approaches to the Relationship between Literature and Philosophy (3 lectures), University of Science and Technology Beijing, 16-20 September 2019.

  • Foucault and Normative Political Philosophy (8 lectures), Department of Philosophy, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 7-29 September 2017.

  • ‘Law and Political Philosophy: Mabo’ in Philosophical Foundations of Law course, University of Melbourne Law School, with Justice Karin Emerton and A/Prof Kirsty Gover, 17 May 2017.

  • The History of Aesthetics (10 lectures), College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng, 6 – 24 March 2017.

  • Deleuze’s oeuvre as method for political analysis (3 lectures), Postgraduate Workshop, Queen Mary University of London, 12-13 November, 2015

  • French Poststructuralism (13 lectures), College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng. October, 19 Oct – 5 November, 2015.

  • Deleuze Studies in Asia Camp (3 lectures), Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University 29 May – 2 June, 2015.

  • ‘Law and Political Philosophy: Mabo’ in Philosophical Foundations of Law course, University of Melbourne Law School, with Justice Karin Emerton and A/Prof Kirsty Gover, 26 March 2014.

  • ‘Poststructuralism and Political Analysis Graduate Student Workshop,’ Queen Mary, University of London, 22 May 2013.

  • Visiting Instructor for an intensive graduate seminar sponsored by the BK21 Group for Philosophical Education and Research, Seoul National University, Seoul, 6-19 February 2011.

  • Lectures on Deleuze and literature, Foreign Expert Lecture Series, Department of Foreign Language, Tsinghua University, Beijing, December 2009.

  • Invited lecture in ‘Theories of Justice’ course at the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris, International Program, 21 April 2009.

  • Professeur Invité at Université de Paris X-Nanterre: 3 seminars on ‘Political Normativity and Post-Structuralism,’ 1-20 May 2008.

  • Graduate seminar, ‘Die politische Philosophie von Gilles Deleuze/ Deleuzian Political Concepts,’ Freie Universität Berlin, Wintersemester 2007/2008.

  • Deleuze Summer School (for postgraduate students), Cardiff University, 20-25 August 2007.

  • ‘Deleuze and the Philosophy of Difference’: 5 lectures at Oslo University College, Oslo, 11-12 January 2007.

  • Master Class for PhD students, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School, 28 February 2006.

  • Invited speaker at ‘Languages and Nationalities’ Institute for Postgraduate students organised by the French Interdisciplinary Group, Northwestern University, Evanston Ill. 1-6 December 2002.


University, Faculty and Departmental Service


Flinders University, Adelaide

  • Level D and E Promotion Committee, 2020.

    University of New South Wales, Sydney


  • Supervision Induction/ Assessment Reference Group, 2017.

  • Scientia Professor Committee 2016.

  • Assessment Panel Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in PGR Supervision 2016.

  • Selection Committee, UNSW Arts and Social Sciences Dean 2015.

  • Assessment Panel Vice-Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Postgraduate Research Supervision 2015.

  • Scientia Professor Committee, University of New South Wales 2014.

  • Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee, University of New South Wales 2013.

  • University Qualifications Committee re promotions to Professor, University of New South Wales 2012-2014.

  • Emeritus Professor Committee, University of New South Wales 2011-2014.

  • Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, 2009-2010.


University of Sydney


  • Chair of Faculty of Arts Promotion Committee to Lecturer C, 2001.

  • Reserve Member, Selection Committee for Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 2001.

  • Convenor, Philosophy Research Cluster in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2000-2001.

  • Inaugural Director of The University of Sydney’s Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences 1997-1998.

  • Associate Dean of the Faculty of Arts 1996-1998.


Professional Service

  • Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowships Selection Advisory Committee 2017-2018

  • External Member, Macquarie University Level E Promotions Committee 2017

  • Engagement and Impact Assessment Pilot Panel B. 2017

  • External Member, Macquarie University Level E Promotions Committee, 2014 - 2015.

  • External Member, La Trobe University Appointments Committee, 2014

  • Australian Research Council College 2013 - 2015.

  • Australian Research Council: Future Fellowships Selection Advisory Committee 2010.

  • Member of Council, the Australasian Association of Philosophy, July 2008- July 2010.

  • Member of the Executive Committee, Australasian Association for Continental Philosophy, 2009-2010.

  • Reviewer of book manuscripts and book proposals for publishers including Acumen, Blackwell, Bloomsbury, Cambridge University Press, Columbia University Press, Continuum, Duke University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Polity Press, Princeton University Press, Routledge, Rowman and Littlefield International, Stanford University Press, University of Minnesota Press.

  • Refereed articles for American Political Science Review, Australian Journal of Human Rights, Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Contemporary Political Theory, Critical Horizons, Deleuze Studies, Derrida Today, Theory & Event, History of Political Thought, History of the Human Sciences, International Journal of Philosophy, International Studies Perspectives, Political Theory, Political Studies, Space and Culture, The Australasian Journal of Philosophy, The Australian Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Political Philosophy, Theory, Culture and Society.


Series Editor

  • New Horizons: Political Thought beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide, Edinburgh UP, 2021 -

  • Continental Philosophy in Austral-Asia, Rowman and Littlefield International, 2014 - 2021

Editorial Advisory Boards

  • Indigenous Nations and Collaborative Futures Series, Rowman and Littlefield International, 2018 – 2021.

  • Incitements Series, Edinburgh University Press, 2014 –

  • Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Sage, 2010.

  • Critical Connections, Edinburgh University Press, 2009 –

  • Culture Machine Series, Berg Press, 2005-2008.

  • Deleuze Connections Series, Edinburgh University Press, 2004 -

  • Critical Horizons Book Series, Brill Academic Publishers, 2004 –



Journal Editor

  • Journal of Social and Political Philosophy, 2022

  • Theory & Event, (Co-Editor) 2002-05.

Journal Editorial and Advisory Boards

  • Philosophies 2022 –

  • Borderlands, 2018 –

  • Kritike, 2016 –

  • Derrida Today, 2013 –

  • Parrhesia, 2009 –

  • Deleuze Studies, 2007 –

  • Philosophy Compass, 2005 –

  • Colloquy: text theory critique, 2005 –

  • Foucault Studies, 2004 -

  • Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française, 2004 –

  • Critical Horizons, 2004 -

  • Macquarie Law Journal, 2002 –

  • Culture Machine, 1999 -

  • Theory & Event, 1996 -  


Conference / Symposia Organisation


2019 Organiser (with Yong Li) First Wuhan Political Philosophy Workshop, Department of Philosophy, Wuhan University, 8-10 August.

2017 Organiser (with Yong Li, Wuhan University Department of Philosophy), International Young Philosophers Roundtable, University of New South Wales, 11-12 July.

2016 Organiser, Public Reason Workshop, supported by the Biopolitical Studies Research Network, University of New South Wales, 12 February.

2015 Chair, Organising Committee of The Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy Annual Conference, University of New South Wales, 2-4 December.

Co-Organiser (with Miguel Vatter) of the Society for the Study of Bio-Political Futures and Biopolitical Studies Research Network Workshop at The University of New South Wales, 20 February.

2014 Organiser, Workshop with Philip Pettit, On the People’s Terms: A Republican Theory and Model of Democracy, University of New South Wales, 16 May.

2012 Co-organiser (with Simone Bignall), Continental Philosophy and Social Transformation Workshop, School of Humanities, University of New South Wales, 14 December.

Co-Organiser (with Ben Golder and Duncan Ivison), ‘Historical Normativity and Political Rights,’ Contemporary Critical Approaches to Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, 17-18 August.

Chair of Organising Committee, 2012 Kaifeng International Deleuze Conference, Henan University, Kaifeng, China, 18-22 May.

2010 Co-organiser (with Stephen Hetherington) of the annual conference of The Australasian Association of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 4-9 July.

2006 Organiser of a Workshop on Themes from Foucault’s later work, with Cressida Heyes, Timothy O’Leary and Jana Sawicki as keynote speakers, School of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 2 May.

2004 Organiser of an Invited Symposium on Foucault’s Lectures on Governmentality, with Colin Gordon as Keynote speaker, School of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, 16 December.

Organiser of an Invited Symposium on Concept and Metaphor in Deleuze and Derrida at The International Association for Philosophy and Literature 28th Annual Conference, Syracuse University and Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York, 19-25 May.

2002 Organiser of an Invited Symposium on Deleuze and Derrida at The International Association for Philosophy and Literature 26th Annual Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, June 3-8.

2001 Co-Convenor (with Duncan Ivison and Desmond Manderson) of a conference on The Future of Rights: Treaties, Self-Determination and Australian Indigenous Peoples, The University of Sydney, December 17-18.

2000 Co-Convenor, with Moira Gatens and Duncan Ivison, of a workshop on ‘Rights and Norms’ at The University of Sydney, 24 March.

1997 Co-Convenor (with Duncan Ivison and Will Sanders) of an international conference entitled ‘Indigenous Rights, Political Theory and the Reshaping of Institutions’, supported by The Humanities Research Centre and The Reshaping Australian Institutions Project in the Research School of Social Sciences, at the Australian National University 8-10 August.

1995 Chair of Organising Committee for an interdisciplinary conference on ‘Media Imaginaries,’ supported by The Faculty of Arts and The Power Institute of Fine Arts, at The University of Sydney on 27-8 April.

1996 Convenor of a panel on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze at the 1996 annual conference of The American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, held in Seattle from 5-7 April.


External Examinations


  • PhD Adviser, Daniela Voss, Free University of Berlin, 31 October 2011.

  • Oral Examination Committee (Jury), University of Paris VIII, 17 November 2009.

  • External Examiner, Queen Mary College, University of London, 11 November 2009.

  • Oral Examination Committee (Jury), University of Paris X, 22 November 2008.

  • Oral Examination Committee (Jury), University of Paris IV, 29 September 2007.

  • Oral Examination Committee, Johns Hopkins University, 9 April 2007.

  • Promoter (Jury), PhD, Erasmus University, Rotterdam 28 May 2004.


2019 PhD Warwick/ Monash; PhD Tel Aviv.

2017 PhD Macquarie; PhD Queensland; PhD Adelaide.

2016 MPhil Sydney.

2015 PhD Royal Holloway (London), PhD Sydney.

2014 PhD Sydney; MA Melbourne.

2013 PhD Griffith University; PhD Sydney

2012 PhD ANU, PhD ANU

2011 PhD University Adelaide; MA Monash University.

2009 PhD Melbourne

2007 PhD Monash; PhD Johns Hopkins; PhD Paris IV Sorbonne

2006 PhD Sydney; PhD Sydney

2005 PhD Paris IV Sorbonne.

2004 MA Melbourne; PhD Australian National University.

2003 PhD Sydney; PhD Australian National University

2002 MLitt Sydney; MA Auckland; PhD Sydney; PhD Australian National University


1994 – 2001: 17 PhD or Masters theses for universities in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and New Zealand.


Professional Memberships


  • Australasian Association of Philosophy

  • Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy

  • Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

  • American Philosophical Association

  • American Political Science Association

  • Australian Political Science Association

  • Friedrich Nietzsche Society (UK)
